The Common Child Health Issues You Should Know About

6 min readMar 25, 2022
Common Child Health Issues

Childhood is a beautiful stage in everyone’s life. But when it is affected by severe illness or even temporary ones, it could create great concern among their families. Also, when a baby or child catches an illness, their health deteriorates unexpectedly. For your kid to have a happy childhood, it’s necessary to understand and eliminate such health issues at the early stage itself. There are several clinics in Al Gharafa that provide pediatric treatments to children. You could take your child to regular checkups in those clinics and ensure safe health. Most importantly, there are a few common health problems or illnesses that can affect your child and they are specified below.

1. Common Cold

Cold is a common illness among infants and can in turn trigger fever. It occurs when a virus irritates the lining of the nose and throat. Mostly caused by rhinoviruses, it needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. If your child has a blocked or runny nose, it indicates they have a cold. Also, the cold virus has a chance of spreading through the air or by direct contact. Therefore, common colds are usually seen in children when they come in contact with anyone who is infected with a cold virus.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Keep your child hydrated with water and healthy juices containing less sugar
  • Avoid contact with sick individuals
  • If there is no improvement in the condition of your child, immediately consult a paediatrician.
  • Check that your child covers his/her mouth while sneezing

2. Stomach Flu

Gastroenteritis or commonly known as Stomach Flu is an infection in the gut of children leading to diarrhoea and vomiting. Usually caused by germs, it leads to inflammation of the stomach and intestines. The vomiting quickly stops but diarrhoea may last for 10 days. Most stomach flu symptoms are not serious however slight fever and abdominal pain can be hard.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Check whether your child gets enough fluid to restore the lost water and salts
  • Gastroenteritis is contagious. So, keep in mind to avoid contact with other people
  • When symptoms are severe, bring your child to a paediatrician

3. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

This is a viral infection causing blisters on the hands, feet, and mouth. The virus usually spreads through faecal-oral transmission and may also be spread by respiratory secretions. The rash can occur in the diaper area as well as on the legs and arms. Transmission of this disease usually occurs due to improper hygiene and eventually, it may lead to serious illness. Other symptoms include sore throat, mouth ulcers, and fever.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Make your child washes his/her hands regularly
  • Your child should get plenty of water to be dehydrated and enough bed rest
  • Sterilize the toys and other objects to avoid the risk of spreading the disease

4. Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease seen in babies or children making their airways sensitive and irritated. If your child has asthma, their breathing can have a wheezy sound. Also, they might feel short of breath or dry cough while carrying out physical activities. Most importantly, the muscles around the airways stiffen and make more mucus than normal thus making it difficult to pass air into your child’s lungs leading to asthma symptoms.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • If you suspect symptoms of asthma in your child, consult with a paediatrician as soon as possible
  • Make sure to avoid triggering items like any kind of smoke, dust, stress, and animal fur
  • Try and follow some breathing exercises for your child

5. Allergies

When your child’s immune system is weak while they come across substances in the environment, it could trigger reactions in them causing allergies. An allergic reaction may occur anywhere in your child’s body including eyes, skin, nose, sinuses, lungs, and throat. When reactions occur in the whole body, it can cause a severe allergic reaction. In some cases, allergic reactions may be associated with chronic diseases like asthma or eczema.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Avoid dust, smoke and all those items that can trigger allergic reactions
  • If allergies seem to affect their regular activities, take them to see a paediatrician
  • Using an extra pillow under your child’s head while sleeping can ease breathing and reduce congestion

6. Bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis can be seen commonly in infants and small kids mainly during flu season. It can cause a wheezy sound while breathing and the airways of the lungs may be infected. The main cause of bronchiolitis is a virus and is usually seen in children aged up to 2 years. Mainly caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), they block airflow in and out a child’s lungs and also cause inflammation.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Keep your child away from smoke and dusty areas
  • If your child’s breathing is affected, consult a doctor immediately
  • Keep your child hydrated with water and vitamin C containing juices

7. Nutritional Problems

Malnutrition is a very serious problem in children and can lead to even higher issues. Having foods that are deficient in vitamins and minerals can cause nutritional problems in your child. Poor nutrition results in obesity having a negative impact on the hormone balance, joints, cardiovascular system, etc. It may also lead to anaemia or iron deficiency. Other common nutrient problems include constipation, poor or excessive appetite, underweight, delayed growth, and many more.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Feed your child with nutrient-rich and healthy food items
  • Avoid junk foods and try homely meals with fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, milk, eggs, etc

8. Urinary Tract Infections

Bacteria in the urinary tract leads to urinary tract infections causing fever, abdominal pain, burning sensation during urine passage, and vomiting. It is common in children younger than age 6 and mostly seen in girls. Most importantly, the bacteria can affect anywhere in the body and infection occur when these germs enter the urethra. Then it travels up to the bladder, ureters, and kidneys, and begins to spread. A commonly seen bacteria is E. coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria which is very dangerous.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Train your child for proper usage of toilets
  • Ensure complete hygiene
  • Keep your child hydrated with water and other healthy fluids

9. Eczema

If your child is suffering from regular itchy rashes and red skin, there is a chance that he/she may have a condition of eczema. It is commonly seen in children with a family history of eczema or asthma. Children with eczema usually have sensitive skin compared to others and may also have specific food allergies. Eczema can result in interrupted sleep, pain and discomfort for children affecting their whole childhood.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Make sure your child’s skin is moisturized regularly with a prescribed cream from the doctor
  • Avoid triggering agents like dust, smoke, temperature changes, animal fur, and stress
  • Using dresses with light cotton clothing can help reduce rashes
  • If itching becomes severe, bring your child to a doctor

10. Febrile Seizures

Febrile seizures are usually triggered by heavy fever and a child may fall unconscious unexpectedly. It is usually harmless and mostly stops without any treatments. However, there are complex ones that need proper attention and care. Mostly occurs within 24 hours of the onset of a fever, they are common in toddlers 12–18 months old. Other symptoms include eyes rolling backwards, stiff or jerking arms and legs, and clenched jaw.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Leave your child on the ground while a seizure occurs until it’s over
  • Don’t try to feed something in your child’s mouth and ensure that airways are clear to avoid choking
  • If your child experiences regular seizures, consult a doctor immediately


Children are very sensitive and hence they should maintain a balanced state of both physical and mental health. With the help of preventive measures to avoid common child health issues, your child could have a healthy childhood. Besides, adequate hydration and nutrient-rich food items should be incorporated into their lives. Lastly and most importantly, try to follow proper hygiene to avoid transmission of disease-causing bacteria and germs. You could also visit the best clinics in Doha, Al Rayyan or Al Wakrah that offer regular checkups for children. In short, make sure to follow the control measures and ensure the complete health of your child.

